Handok Donates Relief Funds for Earthquake Victims in Türkiye and Syria to Community Chest of Korea

  • Date
    2023.02.28 10:18
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Handok announced on February 28, 2023 its donation of KRW 50 million to the Community Chest of Korea for relief for victims of the recent earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria and reconstruction in the damaged areas.

The donated funds were raised through Handok’s internal emergency fundraising campaign for three days from February 15. Conducted in the form of a matching grant, employees voluntarily donated a certain amount of their salary and the company donated the equivalent amount. Employees on leave also participated in the fundraising activities, adding to the significance of this effort.

The donations will be used to help the survivors of the earthquake in both countries by providing drinking water and food, basic necessities, heating supplies, rescue support for child survivors, and medical support.