Handok Jeseok Foundation Hosts 14th Scholarship and Research Grant Awarding Ceremony

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    2021.02.24 14:16
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The Handok Jeseok Foundation (Chairman of the Board Young-jin Kim) held the 14th Handok Jeseok Foundation Scholarship and Research Grant Awarding Ceremony online. The ceremony was attended by one scholarship graduate, five medical/pharmacy college students, and five North Korean defectors studying to become medical professionals to be awarded scholarships as well as four professors of medicine and pharmacy. Scholarships and research grants amounting to a total of KWR 150 million were awarded during the ceremony.

The Handok Jeseok Foundation operates a full scholarship program for disadvantaged students of medical/pharmaceutical colleges who are selected every year so they can pursue their studies until graduation. It also receives nominations from the Inter-Korea Foundation for Health and Medical Education to award scholarships to selected North Korean defectors studying to become medical professionals.

This year’s medical college scholarships were awarded to two students, one from Inje University and one from Wonkwang University, while pharmaceutical college scholarships were awarded to two students, one from Kyunghee University and one from Dongduk Women’s University. Five students were nominated from the Inter-Korea Foundation for Health and Medical Education: one from Gwangju Health University, two from Ewha Womans University, one from Sungshin Women’s University, and one from Inha University. A total of 13 students were awarded scholarships this year, including four previous recipients.

On this day, the Foundation also awarded research grants to professors based on research projects and results in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors. In the medical sector, Professor Heon-young Ji of Yonsei University College of Medicine was selected for his research entitled “Development of an Evaluation Platform for the Safety and Efficacy of Renal Tubuloid-Based Drugs”. In the pharmaceutical sector, Professor Jin-ki Kim of Hanyang University College of Pharmacy was selected for his research on “Development of a Nanocarriers-Based Platform Technology for the Efficient Delivery of Biological Response Modifiers to the Brain”.

The Handok Jeseok Foundation is a social enterprise created by the founder of Handok, the late Chairman Shin-kwon Kim, and operated by Handok, which also runs the Handok Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy and a scholarship and research grant program for the development of these sectors.